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Social housing in the USA: what is it and how to get it

by Lilit L on سبتمبر 6, 2023, 3:33 م

When you have just moved to America, it is very difficult to find a well-paid job. And that can be a problem when paying bills, especially in major US cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. In this article, we will talk about how to save money on renting a home in the US.

What is social housing in the US?

Social housing in America is affordable apartments or houses for people with low incomes. If you do not have money to rent an apartment, you have the right to apply for financial assistance.

Who can get social housing and under what conditions?

Social housing is available to single people and families with children. There are several conditions under which you are provided with social housing:

- You must be at least 18 years old;
- You really should belong to the category of low-income people.

The concept of "low income" varies depending on the state in which you live. Typically, a person cannot earn more than 50% of the area median income. This information is verified directly at your place of residence.

Applying for affordable housing is no problem, but waiting in line can be problematic. Sometimes several thousand low-income families apply for hundreds of apartments at the same time. This is a lottery in which the list of winners is generated randomly.

There are two types of programs:

- Rental housing program - you get a voucher in your hands and choose an apartment to rent out on your own.
- Project housing - you are tied to a specific apartment.

How to participate:

Step 1: Visit the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) federal website and search for your city name.

Step 2: Go to the official website in your city and create an account. You will need to provide proof of your income with documents such as a W-2 form, tax return, unemployment benefits, and a few others. At least one person in the family must have citizenship or legal immigration status.

Step 3: To apply, add to the waitlist.

Beware of scam sites and never pay money to join the program. It's free. If you have been selected, wait for an invitation to an interview. After that, you must fill out an application and interview with HUD, receive a voucher, find your own place and get the landlord's approval, sign a lease, move into an apartment and pay your share.

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