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How to shorten the wait for political asylum in the USA?

by Milena Sarukhanyan on Feb. 27, 2024, 2:30 p.m.

The US is currently experiencing a significant increase in immigration . Every day, hundreds of migrants cross the Mexican border, asking for political asylum. The US immigration court system is overwhelmed, with more than three million pending cases. The workload sometimes leads to delays of months and sometimes years.

American courts are facing an unprecedented influx of cases. Statistics show that there are currently approximately 5,000 cases per immigration judge in the country. In states with traditionally high immigration activity, such as Illinois and California, asylum cases are slated for 2027-28. The wait for processing asylum applications in New York stretches into the 2030s.

There is an opportunity to speed up the process of obtaining asylum in the United States, especially for those who have convincing arguments to defend their political case. Instead of waiting a long time, such people can use this time to seek alternative legalization paths, such as marrying a US citizen or working for a US company.

Migrants often try to navigate asylum on their own, but this can be a mistake. Statistics show that the mere presence of a lawyer at the first hearing can significantly speed up the process of obtaining asylum in the United States. Professional lawyers prepare a complete case and at the preliminary hearing announce their readiness to proceed to the main trial. Judges, trusting the lawyer, usually set the next available date for the main hearing, which significantly reduces the waiting time.

It is important to emphasize that some immigrants awaiting adjudication of their cases are in limbo for several years. Those who entered the country before 2015-17 may be delayed due to policy changes. For such people, considering alternative immigration options, such as a work visa, may be a smart decision. The entire process of obtaining a US work visa will take about two years.

As for choosing a country of asylum, Traditionally popular destinations such as New York, California and Illinois attract many immigrants. However, if you don't care where you start your new life, choosing less popular states can speed up your immigration process.

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