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How to find organizations in the United States that provide work visas

by Milena Sarukhanyan on Feb. 27, 2024, 1:40 p.m.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) web resource operates a convenient online resource - an information center about companies in the United States that provide foreigners with the opportunity to obtain H-1B work visas.

The H-1B program provides an opportunity U.S. employers temporarily hire foreign workers for positions that require highly specialized theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as a bachelor's degree or higher in a particular field.

The H-1B Employer Data Hub includes information going back to FY 2009 on companies filing petitions to hire foreign employees under the H-1B program. Data searches are available by fiscal year, company name, city, state, zip code, and NAICS code.

The H-1B Employer Data Hub also contains information about decisions made by USCIS regarding immigrant employment requests for which applications have been submitted. Loading data in CSV format is possible with subsequent filtering by period or other parameters.
For more detailed information about the data provided, visit the section Understanding Our H-1B Employer Data Hub.

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