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Humans started talking 1.6 million years ago, study finds

Early humans first started talking around 1.6 million years ago. This is stated in a study of the University of Reading, reports The Independent. Rudimentary language appeared in hominid societies of eastern or southern Africa. The development of speech made further physical and cultural evolution …

March 20, 2024

AI begins to learn to recognize human emotions

German specialists have created an artificial intelligence (AI) model which was taught to accurately recognize human em…1

March 14, 2024

Russia is world leader in nuclear technology, Putin says

Russia is the world leader in nuclear technology, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, TASS reports. "With our help, …1

March 14, 2024

New technologies at the core of rural infrastructure development

The availability of cost-effective infrastructures is an important support for communities. In order to make it availab…1

March 11, 2024

Man walking his dog accidentally discovers 70-million-year-old dinosaur skeleton in France

Damien Boschetto, a resident of France, went out for a walk with his dog and found an almost intact skeleton of a 70-mi…1

March 11, 2024

Cerebral Cortex: Human brain processes native language in special way, study finds

Researchers from Harvard (USA) and Carleton (Canada) Universities have discovered that the brain of a person who speaks…1

March 8, 2024

Neuroscience of Consciousness: Gadget addiction is linked to desire for quickly acquiring new information

According to a research by Jelle Bruineberg, professor of philosophy at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), smartph…1

March 8, 2024

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment: Arctic ice will disappear within next few years

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder predict that the Arctic could be free of sea ice in the next few year…1

March 7, 2024

Nature Communications: Epidemics have caused sharp drop in CO2 levels in Earth's atmosphere, study finds

Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK have found out that epidemics of plague and other diseases in the …1

March 6, 2024

Scientists calculate star dunes’ exact age for first time

The age of one of Earth's largest and most complex types of sand dune has been calculated for the first time, the BBC r…1

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