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News - Resolution condemning Karabakh Armenians’ ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan is introduced to US Congress

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Resolution condemning Karabakh Armenians’ ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan is introduced to US Congress

by Lilit June 28, 2024

Representatives Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Chris Smith (R-NJ) have introduced to the US Congress a bipartisan resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s ethnic cleansing of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and urging the Biden Administration to take immediate action to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its genocidal aggression, reports the Armenian National Committee of America. “The Azerbaijani assault on Nagorno-Karabakh last year brought about the destruction of the ethnic Armenian community that has called the region home for centuries. Azerbaijan’s actions meet every definition of ethnic cleansing and must be condemned as such,” said Rep. Anna Eshoo. “Our resolution establishes a clear record of the atrocities perpetrated against the Armenian people and outlines critical steps that the U.S. must take to pursue justice and accountability for these crimes.” “The horrific atrocities and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Azerbaijan against the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh does not erase the Armenians’ right to live in their ancient homeland in peace and freedom and to practice their own faith, follow their own customs and speak their own language,” said Rep. Chris Smith, who chaired two congressional hearings last year on the plight of the Armenians. “Our bipartisan legislation urges the Biden administration to vigorously support the Armenians’ rights against the ongoing crimes of the Azerbaijani government under its ruthless dictator Ilham Aliyev.” The resolution would recognize Azerbaijan’s forced displacement of Artsakh’s over 100,000 Armenians as an act of ethnic cleansing, and calls on the Administration to make a public determination to the same effect. Additionally, the resolution urges the United States to facilitate a just and lasting peace in the South Caucasus that secures the release of all illegally detained Armenian prisoners of war and civilian captives—including Artsakh’s political leaders—and ensures the right of Armenians to return to their home with guarantees for their security.

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