Belarus calmly assesses Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s "impulsive statements" regarding Minsk. This was announced by Alexander Shpakovsky, minister counselor of the Belarusian embassy in Russia, reports TASS. "We calmly evaluate Nikol Pashinyan's impulsive statements. We continue to respect the fraternal Armenian people, with whom Belarus has centuries-old historical ties," Shpakovsky wrote on Telegram. He added that Belarus "does not interfere in the internal political processes of Armenia, as well as in the foreign policy of Yerevan." "Based on the principle of reciprocity, we expect similar approaches from our partners and allies. So, we followed with some bewilderment the contacts of representatives of the Armenian leadership with the leaders of Belarusian political extremists," said the Belarusian diplomat. "At the same time, the choice of partners and allies is the sovereign matter Minsk, and in this case, the ‘either, or’ approach is unacceptable for us. We have communicated with fraternal Azerbaijan and will continue to cooperate in all spheres, including military and technical," emphasized Shpakovsky.