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News - Armenian Ambassador to Russia summoned by Russian Foreign Ministry to be given note of protest

Business Strategy

Armenian Ambassador to Russia summoned by Russian Foreign Ministry to be given note of protest

by Lilit Sept. 8, 2023

Vagharshak Harutyunyan, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Russia, has summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. In a statement on this occasion the Russian Foreign Ministry says.  “We noted the appearance of certain doubts in the official circles and political elite of the Republic of Armenia regarding the expediency of allied relations within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and with Russia on a bilateral basis, as well as regarding the feasibility of the complex of tripartite agreements between Moscow, Yerevan and Baku reached in 2020-2022 about ways of normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations.Against this background, the leadership of Armenia has taken a series of unfriendly steps in recent days, including the launch of the process of ratification of the Rome Statute of the ICC, the trip to Kyiv by A.V. Hakobyan, the wife of the Armenian Prime Minister, and handing humanitarian aid to the Kyiv Nazi regime by her, as well as holding military exercises with the participation of the United States on Armenian territory. In this connection, the Ambassador of Armenia to Moscow, V. V. Harutyunyan, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, to him a harsh announcement was conveyed. In addition, a note of protest was sent, which indicated the inadmissibility of insulting statements by A.R. Simonyan, the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia from September 6, regarding M.V. Zakharova,  the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the director of the Department of Information and regarding Press and the Russian Foreign Ministry as a whole. Separately, concern was expressed regarding the detention in Armenia of blogger M. Badalyan and observer of radio "Sputnik Armenia" A. Gevorkyan on September 7.At the same time, Moscow firmly believes that Russia and Armenia remain allies, and all agreements on the development and strengthening of partnership relations will be fully implemented for the benefit of the peoples of our two countries. This, among other things, concerns the organization of exercises within the CSTO and in the future sending to the Republic of the observation mission of the Organization in order to facilitate the settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Russian side will continue to apply all necessary efforts for these purposes".

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